Inspired by the Star Wars Rebels animated series, this LEGO Star Wars Ezra's Speeder Bike 75090 is faithful to the television version. With 253 pieces, this building set will keep Star Wars fans both young and old intrigued for hours. It includes 3 mini-figures: Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren and a Stormtrooper. Constructing the LEGO Star Wars speeder bike is just the beginning of the fun. You can also use the pieces to create your own story or to act out an episode from the television series. Ideal for young builders over the age of 7, this item helps build eye/hand coordination and math skills. The bike is one of the many LEGO Star Wars toys. This set builds imaginations one block at a time. The LEGO Star Wars Ezra's Speeder Bike 75090 can make the magic of Star Wars come alive like never before.